Cecilia Huster

Lead Product Designer

20+ years of 

customer-driven design

Resume in PDF format, 1.7 Mb

Lead Product Designer

Information Architecture that makes sense, makes associates look good in front of customers. Boosting productivity and perceived competence can lead to increased sales.

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Financial advisors create and edit plans for their customers. Requirements are different, but no less stringent, for professional users.

Enter custom tax rates inline.

Financial advisors create and edit plans for their customers. Requirements are different, but no less stringent, for professional users.

As Luke Wroblewski likes to say "Obvious always wins." Graphs need to be both beautiful and easy to understand for the target audience. 

Next I decide on the type of layout for each form factor. I've designed for anything from old iPhones to 50" monitors.  

Once it's clear what I'm trying to achieve, I map out customer journeys and flows. What order do the tasks need to be performed in? This is a good time to look for how new technology can better serve the user. 

Rather than jump straight into the design, I do preliminary research to analyze the task I'm designing. Activities such as Know/Feel/Do are also an opportunity to get stakeholders involved. 

What is the outcome the user wants? That question forms the starting point for my design process. From there I can come up with new ways of helping users achieve their goals faster and with more ease.. 

Top Down Design Process

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